Friday 6 January 2012

Under Pressure (for time that is)

A big challenge for success in this marathon is that of having time to do a decent schedule. So this is where an early start is required (at 6 a.m. before work) and a favourite workout of mine is needed - the 'hilly 5km' utilising some of the many undulations of Redditch in a short period of time.

It is out and back course which starts outside my front door. First mile is downhill to get the juices flowing, then the next .55 mile to the turn is an up, then down, then up again and another down and of course after the turn it's the reverse. So it makes that 1.1 mile quite a testing part of the route to do. Once that bit's done, then it's a final 1 mile uphill to the end. So by the time I get back to the front door, I'm totally bushed.

In terms of times to complete this route it is obviously a lot slower than a parkrun, but a really testing course and I usually feel better for doing it.

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