Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Day 3 and Resting Already!

That's right, third day of the New Year and I'm having a rest from running! I always try and have a rest day after a race - running the day after has never worked out for me, even when 'recovery runs' are advised, I usually end up being worse off for going out and picking up a niggle or something that takes a while to get over. I think in due course I may change this to a cross training day on the rowing machine or bike, but at this stage it is a rest. I have run on 5 days in the last 7, including 2 sessions in one day and also 3 days of races - so I have done a lot since 27th December for someone at my level. Stepping up the amount of running too quickly will only result in injury and set me back - steady progress is required.

Which moves me on to training schedules - I've had a look at some marathon training schedules and they vary in length; typically 16 and 24 weeks. They are generally classified by type of runner - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced. I am no way an Advanced runner, Beginner schedules don't seem to be enough to build the level of fitness and training I think I need and Intermediate ones just don't fit what time I am able to give to training.

The Asics 'My plan' seems quite good though. You specify what you have achieved (half marathon in 2:15) and time you want to get (full marathon on 7th October in 5 hours - optimistic, but hopefully realistic for training to). Also specified is the number of days that you can run and what day you are most likely to do a long run. From all this it devises the plan giving distances and paces too. The results seem quite reasonable at this stage - only problem is it doesn't want me to start running until April! But I can take the idea of it and spread it out. Sticking to the plan is going to be impossible anyway, with work commitments and other regular stuff going on, so I am only using it for guidance purposes only. I'll use the free Endomondo website to track what I'm doing as I have a Garmin 405 to record my activity.

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