Monday 20 February 2012

I'm a bread winner!

This weekend was supposed to be the assessment of how my marathon training was going, more from a fitness point of view and consistency in pacing. The Village Bakery Half Marathon in Wrexham is a new race for me, but a one I thought was well placed to see how I was getting on. But, the last 5 weeks have been a disaster - running just five miles in that time does not a training schedule make.

So why did I still go? A number of reasons, hotel and race was booked and paid for, it was a rare opportunity for a weekend away, I was also meeting up with friends; and perhaps a kick start to better things? Well, maybe - didn't seem much point not going - and as it is a 2 lap course I could always do a DNF if I really had to.

The run starts and finishes on an industrial estate and out into the countryside. We were dropped off at the start by Laura Westwood and waited around - I really couldn't be bothered whether I ran or not; if someone has said 'let's not bother' I would have quite happily gone along. But no-one said it, so I ran. We made it to the start and from the off I fell to the back as I could feel my hip from the first step. After half mile, I started to settle into a pace at around a steady 10:30, but it was not to last. Each mile after mile 2 was a gradual decline. At 5 miles came the end of the first lap and I was tempted to DNF, but decided against it moving on to the water station. But my legs soon went wobbly, so from 5 - 10 miles I ran/walk and from 10 miles to the end it was very much walking rather than running. I managed to put something together for the finish, just so that Richard and Laura had something to cheer - I did pip 3 runners to the finish line. The legend that Laura is brought a flask of tea - that was fantastic, especially as there were no drinks at the finish.

My final time was a PW 2:42, nearly half an hour off a PB, but considering what has happened so far in 2012, I'm pretty chuffed I managed to complete the course. Richard ran brilliantly in a new PB of 1:55 and Larry, with multiple niggles and issues (and struggling to run for a mile before Sunday's race) somehow managed to get through in 3:11. We all got a Welsh fruit loaf for our efforts.

Afterwards I ached (though the hot bath relaxed my muscles) and today, Monday I ache still. Once the aching has stopped, I'll see how I am - Physio is booked for Friday, so hopefully I can turn a corner.

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