Sunday 16 September 2012

Chiens enragés et des hommes anglais sortir sous le soleil de midi (Mad dogs and English men go out in the midday sun)

So with the marathon training mileage now building up nicely and progress going well, the plan called for a short run and so some fellow parkrunners (Larry, Eric, Jeanette, Louis with fellow Tough Guy volunteer Adrian) headed off to Derbyshire for the Wilne 10k. It's a really well orgainsed run and I had previously used it as part of my 2011 comeback.

My August parkrun PBs had filled me with hope of a good time and I was confident that a 10k PB could be possible. The run went really well, my pace was quicker as the race went on (I kept telling myself that my pace was too fast, but I just kept on going). In the end I took over 6 minutes off my 10k PB to record a time of 51:12 - wow, I never had expected that!

Eric, myself and Larry all looking rather chuffed after our triple 10k PBs (Jeanette got a PB too!)
Thanks to George & Louis Satterthwaite for the photo.

The following day I headed off to my parents' house in France for a sort of holiday. There may be a change of location, but the marathon plan calls for the mileage to increase again. Every day involved either a run or a cycle (or both!) culminating in a 21 mile run in hot conditions through the Burgundy countryside.

Eric had suggested that I did the run as a build up run, so I split it into 5 mile sections, starting at a minute slower than my marathon pace, increasing the pace every 5 miles to finish at my marathon pace. However, it went much better than I had thought, even with the hot sun and 26C temperature, so much so that my 21st mile was at a cheeky 8:28 mins per mile, so my confidence was sent sky high! If I could repeat that run at Chester, it would make for a cracking day. Running through the French countryside was pleasant with the highlight being a smiley small dog who accompanied me for around 200 metres down a village main road before getting worried about being far from home. The dog kept looking at me, happy about running, but not quite sure why we were doing it. I think I may have had the same feeling too!

Soon after I returned back to Blighty for my biggest mileage week of 2012. 37.5 miles ending with a 20 mile run split into 2 parts as I ran from Redditch to Blythe Valley to cheer on a gang of fellow parkrunners in their 10k race before returning home. Well that's it as far as the plan is concerned, it's now time to taper as the race takes place in just 3 weeks time!